I live in front of an alley which has been abandoned by the district for many years. 4 years ago the weeds of alley grown around 3 meters that hid both its vision and its path. As a consequence of that, I decided to do a small experimental
action where I intervened and invaded the public space throughout a garden, looking for to recover potential vitality which would exist in it. The result of that operation was a voluntary participation for expanding the garden by the neighbourhoods.
action where I intervened and invaded the public space throughout a garden, looking for to recover potential vitality which would exist in it. The result of that operation was a voluntary participation for expanding the garden by the neighbourhoods.
El callejón frente a la calle 11a de la ciudad de Cali ha estado abandonado por el distrito por varios años. Hace 4 años la maleza del callejón crecía unos 3 metros tapando la visión y el camino del mismo. Como efecto de ello, decidí realizar una pequeña acción experimental interviniendo e invadiendo el espacio público a través de un jardín, en búsqueda de recobrar la posible vitalidad que pudiese existir en él. El resultado de esta operación fue la participación voluntaria de los vecinos para el crecimiento del jardín.